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Consumer Product Business

TRI has proven expertise in areas of Fast Moving Consumer Goods by generating and achieving quick results with consistent growth. Our tailor-made approach and high quality deliverables have cemented our credibility as the best partner for market expansion services (MES), providing a wide choice of marketing and sales opportunities

TRI, the pioneer in helping Consumer product companies with strategies, demanding high levels of collaboration to develop business , aligns with global brands to deliver a strong experience between consumers and customers. Our intrusive market plan for any consumer product begins from sourcing, market research & analysis, Sales & distribution, logistics to after sales services.

We follow solid strategies to translate your global brands for each local market.

  • Sales and key market knowledge
  • Presence of established distribution networks in both urban and rural areas
  • Successful experience with business associates and leading personal care brand distributions
  • Manage relationships with multiple local retailers
  • Excellent Category and sub category exposure
  • Brand sales developments (ATL and BTL)